BRC/IoP Packaging and Packaging Materials

BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials has been created for suppliers of packaging and packaging materials for the food industry. Standard was developed by the British Retail Consortium and the Institute of Packaging.


The purpose of the BRC/IoP was to facilitate manufacturers to comply with both the legal requirements and the requirements of retailers who market products under their own name, as well as ensuring that the packaging materials are safe for users.


Currently, this Standard is a leading international standard used by retailers, manufacturers and packaging industries worldwide. In February 2011, last 4 version of the standard was published.


BRC/IoP contains requirements for plant and production health and quality management system, which will lead to the creation of safe product that is compliant with quality requirements.


The basis of BRC/IoP system establishment is to determine how the product is produced. In general, the two categories of products can be considered as follows: 

  • High hygiene risk - Packaging that comes into direct contact with food products (or other designated hygiene-sensitive products). Primary packaging used for food or other hygiene-sensitive products where there is no absolute barrier in place.
  • Low hygiene risk - Packaging for consumer products and the secondary and tertiary packaging for all uses.

BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials certification

When all requirements of the BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials standard are met, and it can be so proven by internal audits, the organization may proceed to an external audit. This external audit should be carried out by a third party – accredited certification body.


Certification will be carried out in 2 Stages.  During stage 1 the auditor will check the functioning of the food safety system in the organization. Stage 2 takes place outside the premises of the organization. Auditor prepares an extensive report of the certification.


During certification BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials auditor will focus on a review of the activities of an organization and their compliance with the requirements of the Standard.


After positively completing the certification  the Auditor shall recommend that a certificate for BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials is issued and registered.

What is the cost of BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials certification?

ISOQAR has an individual pricing approach for each Client. We take into consideration many factors before we make a proposal.


To get a proposal please complete the on-line form or call our office.

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