Issue of the Certificate

Issue of the BRC Certificate

If the certificate is granted, it should be issued by the certification body within 42 calendar days after the end of the audit.
Date (s) of the audit included on the certificate shall be the date of the audit related to the issuance of this certificate, irrespective of whether there has been subsequent visits in order to verify any corrective actions resulting from the audit.
The certificate is issued for the plant, but it remains the property of the certification body Alcumus ISOQAR Ltd., which retains ownership and the right to control its use.

Issue of the IFS Certificate

The certificate will be valid from the date of its issuance recorded on the certificate, and expires after 12 months. Date of renewal audit should be determined from the date of the previous audit.
The time between the date of the audit and the date of the grant of the certificate is on average 6 to 8 weeks.


Please note that all certificates issued by our certificaion body, together with attachments are owned by Alcumus ISOQAR Ltd.

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