Before we send you our proposal we have to determine what is the scope of certification. For this purpose, please forward to us the necessary information concerning your organization.
You can do this in several ways:
Whichever way you choose, at this stage we wish to obtain from you information that will allow us to evaluate the appropriate duration of the audit, and consequently the cost. This is an important issue, both for you and for us, so it is worth while devoting your time and attention. We want to get to know your organization, products and services, and complexity. We know from experience that this information is necessary to create a bespoke proposal.
Here you get answers about what should be done to undergo management system assessment, how the 2 step certification process would proceed, how to maintain the certificate.
Management system certification is a type of assurance to customers that the company is working effectively and that their management system conforms to the requirements of a particular standard.
It is possible for you to check whether a company that declares that their management system is actually certified by ISOQAR is actually telling the truth.
In order to verify the validity of the certificate please visit the website Alcumus ISOQAR Certificate Checker module.
If, during verification you find discover a discrepancy, please contact us. We are committed to resolve all such inconsistencies.
In ISOQAR we have a deep sense of duty to ensure that the auditors, who have been assigned to conduct the audit possess appropriate qualifications, knowledge and experience, in other words that they are competent.
The fact of passing an examination in the relevant standard is not sufficient to carry out audits for ISOQAR CEE. The auditor to be appointed to certify your management system must have adequate knowledge and experience of your industry.
The Rules for Certification and Registration regulate the way in which we carry out the business between our Organisations. These rules together with the signed application and our proposal, form an agreement concerning certification and the use of the certificate and its’ registration.
Accreditation of a certification body is the official approval by an independent entity that the certification body has the resources and skills to conduct audits of management systems in specific areas of activity.
Accredited certification ensures that the audit was carried out in accordance with international standards and best available practices. This provides you and your customers with credibility and trust that the certified management system meets the standard.
Certification and registration services we provide are based on the international accreditation of:
With such a wide range of accreditation and certification and competent auditors we can provide certification to virtually any type of organization within virtually any industry.